Welcome to the Star Skates! An instant upgrade to any pair of skates, this expressive wearable is a simple clip on and go. The device measures the skaters speed and plays music to match it, the faster you go, the faster the music plays!
A simple input-output interaction taking the users revolutions per minute and outputting a looping song to match. To use, the wearer wraps the strap around their ankle and clips the box tight. Then put the sensor near the wheel and it is ready to use.


The prototyping process saw several iterations before reaching a final design. Each prototype though varying only a little in shape, became smaller and considered finer details such as wires and battery storage. Along the way access to the Arduino for testing and a strap to allow the user to wear the device were added as well.

The electronic components have been reduced to a few simple parts allowing for a small and effective circuit. The input is made up of two small disc magnets and a hall effect sensor, to read the wheels speed. The output is a small Piezo and it is all controlled by an Arduino UNO.